Am I Okay? Will I Be Alright?
As a physician monitoring a patient, you collect data daily. While any machine can flag values that fall outside of known healthy ranges, the specific measures that deviate—and by how much—are critical for medical diagnosis.
By integrating signal processing with quality control theory, I’ve created a system that provides caregivers with immediate, targeted alerts. This enables timely intervention, potentially preventing critical health deterioration and improving patient outcomes.
Can You Guess What Action I’m Taking?
What information would you need to deduce that someone is lifting their hand? Sure, seeing them do it is one way. But what if you only had access to their brain recordings? How could you make that inference?
It turns out that machine learning applied to time-series data can be incredibly effective. With just a few data samples from the right brain area, astonishing results can be achieved!
Check out what others did, at Neuralink:
Disclosure: I had no contact or collaboration with Neuralink whatsoever. It is just a cool demo on how Machine Learning works on brain signals!
What Does the Future Hold for This Signal?
What if you could predict the next value of a certain indicator just one second ahead? Or even forecast trends for the coming hours or days?
In specific fields, this is entirely feasible, particularly when historical data is insightful! In some, not so much.
Did you know that accurate future predictions can be directly converted into cold, hard cash? Yes, I’m talking about forecasting stock market trends!
In short, if you have an arbitrage opportunity, I can help you automate it. Otherwise, you might need “Complete Sports Statistics 1950-2000” to make any headway.